Tuesday, January 4, 2011


No real post today, I wanted to ask all you guys for your opinions on the blog instead.  So here are some questions I've been pondering recently:
  • What do you like about the blog?
  • What do you dislike about the blog?
  • What do you want to see more of?
  • Is there anything missing from my blog that you would like to start seeing? (maybe something another blogger does that you think I might be able to do as well but put my own spin on it)
  • Do you enjoy my monthly spending challenge recaps, or do they annoy you?
  • What is your favorite feature: Dress for Less, This Week in Fashion, Daily Inspiration, Bangin Bargains, Closet-Worthy (I haven't done that the last 2 in a while...should probably revive them...), etc.?
  • Do you hate my outfit photos because they are in front of my closet? Should I try to get a better location? (keep in mind that I don't really have anyone to take photos of me...but I can use the self timer...)
  • And ANY other comments you have on the blog, whether they are good or bad.
Please be as honest as you can, I don't mind criticism, I want this next year of blogging to be enjoyable for all of us and I figure the best way to do that would be getting your input.

Update: Net-a-Porter has emailed to let me know that their End of Season Sale will be ending at midnight EST, Sunday January 9th. and starting today they are taking an extra 20% off ALL SALE ITEMS! So make sure to RUN over and check out the sale.


  1. Love your blog sweetie...just the way it is:)
    TOTALLY love Dress for Less....you are FAB at it:)

  2. I personally love Dress for Less and the This Week in Fashion - they are both great features and I'm not bothered at all by the closet location for the photos (I'm looking at the clothes!).

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  3. I really like the Dress for Less feature, and I think the spending recap is a really good idea as well. :D
    I don't really mind the closet pictures; anyhow, it's on theme, right? :D

  4. Your blog is one of the first that I started reading and I still love it as much as I ever did. I like that you include pictures of yourself and your new items, as well as including pictures for inspiration and from other sources, etc. I actually really like your spending challenge. It seems like a really great way to hold yourself accountable for your goals, by sharing it with your supportive readership. My favorite feature is definitely This Week in Fashion because I like seeing how you mix up your pieces. The closet pictures aren't bad (I take mine in the kitchen) but I like when you do different poses. The gymnastics poses are especially intriguing. I've never seen another blogger take fashion photos that way!


  5. i really like it when you do outfit posts! =)


  6. I love the blog.
    I love outfit posts.
    I love spending challenges.
    I love the artistic header at the top of the blog.


  7. I love love love your blog!
    I love the spending/budget challenges!

  8. I am new to your blog but so far I've loved everything that you've posted. I absolutely love the spending/budget challenge, it shows that you're fashionable and aware of your spending. All fashionistas should be smart about money. I also think you have stand out style and I don't think it matters where you're standing. xoxoxo Lynn

  9. I think your blog is amazing! I really love to visit your blog!
    You write lovely blogs and have a great style of fashion.

    I love to see more Dress for less :)

  10. I feel like I am repeating what your other wonderful readers have said, but oh well here is my input, too. Your blog was one of the first I started reading daily and I have always loved it. I think you have such a nice mix of posts, with your own style, other people's inspiring styles, style guides and budget-friendly shopping. I LOVE the dress for less posts and have often ended up purchasing items that you showcase. The closet photos do not bother me at all, but I agree that when you switch up the poses that makes it even more fun and unique. I think that the monthly recap is fine because it is your way of staying accountable.

    All in all, I adore your blog and will continue to eagerly await your daily posts!

  11. Meg, just wanted to say you've come a long way with your fashion blog and it's amazing, I really enjoy reading your entries when I have some time. You're charming, warm and down to earth when you write, and I think that's a plus, to make people feel welcome and like fashion isn't supposed to be a unreachable goal or something.
    I think my favourite feature is the Daily Inspiration, but your Dress for Less, even though I can't shop online, is really cool.
    Cheers for a great 2011!

  12. I love your "Dress for Less" posts and watching your gymnastics lol! I do think that taking pictures in different settings would be a good idea (to mix things up a bit) and perhaps making your pictures a bit bigger. Hope this helps!

  13. I like the daily inspiration the most :)

  14. Love your blog, do whatever posts make YOU happy and that you enjoy!

  15. I love your writing...so keep that up!:) This week in fashion is my fave feature. Perhaps, bigger photos? I know you can click on the photos to make the bigger, guess that solves it. :)

    Apart from that, your blog is fantastic and I love coming here. :)SarahD

  16. Darling I love your blog just as it is!
    Keep up the amazing work in 2011! And I think it's kind of adorable how you pose in front of your closet; I thought you did it like that because of the name of your blog ;)


  17. your blog is great the way it is.. it's different from other bloggers.. I think all bloggers about fashion are different and unique in their own way..

    keep up the good work!!

  18. i love your blog as it is! my favourite things on any blog are street style images and personal style :)



    The Flower Girl


  19. I like the blog as it is and af course to se your outfits!


  20. I just discovered your blog and i really like the style pictures....will be happy if you post more!!!

  21. Maybe you can take more fashion risks ? Also post about your inspirations, etc :)

    Mon Mode Blog

  22. I definitely love your writings, but your pics should be bigger...they're too small.

    We've GREAT Giveaways (Ray Ban, Costume National, Le Coq Sportif) for our readers on our blog Schöngeist!


    We hope you'll take part! Good Luck!


  23. I love the Dress for Less posts! You are doing a great job!

  24. I like details -- maybe take some close ups of outfits to show off accessories, or patterns or shoes?

    I don't mind the monthly budget, but I don't think you need to include your food in detail in the recap.

    And that's all the criticism I've got - your wonderful!
    Here is to another great year of blogging!

    Chic on the Cheap

  25. I love your updates and dress for less. Keep on doing what you do because it's working!!

  26. I like your blog. I found very you!
    I know that changes you might want to do. Think twice.

    the only thing I would say is... make the pictures a big bigger so we could see more details and perhaps outside for natural light?


  27. You have a great blog....I always enjoy reading....it is a very honest and real.You have to remain true to yourself...that is what keeps people coming back....I love the budget posts...keep them up!
    It is always fun to experiment with layout and design...I think yours looks great...but if you were to change anything...stick to that and not your content!

  28. I love your blog just the way it is! You've obviously been doing all of the right things, judging by your follower count :)

    Do you mind if I use your questions on my blog? I've been wondering about stuff like this recently =\ x

  29. I definitely love your header, it's so gorgeous and really attracts readers!

  30. More dress for less, even if it's just your own ideas or cute outfits that are of a certain look/theme with items that are affordable. And what I love is the great money saving tips and outlines of how you save because it helps me immeasurably.
