Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!


This was an AMAZING year for me and I'm glad I was able to share it with all of you, and that you were actually interested in my adventures, comments on randomness, and outfits! You have no idea what it means to me that you keep coming back to my blog.

I am not one to make New Years Resolutions since I can never keep them, but I always try to not be so scared of life.  You wouldn't know it from reading my blog but I am a VERY shy person, I don't do much outside of work and the occasional Harry Potter event.  I just feel awkward around other people so I prefer to stay home (like tonight...I was watching tv alone to ring in the New Year) So I am going to TRY to be more outgoing.

I already posted this list in October for my birthday, but some of you guys are new so you may enjoy it (I added a bit to it too). My favorite moments of 2011! Some are superficial but whatever, we can be materialistic sometimes ;)
(all the links lead to posts, except for net-a-porter)
Here's hoping for an even more amazing 2012, for all of us!


  1. LOL. It's okay to be materialistic sometimes. Good list. You had such a fun year.

  2. happy new year! keep posting those kick ass outfits, it is always a pleasure to see that u have updated your blog, so keep us posted!
    and enjoy this lovely new year which just started!

  3. it's been a good year then! Happy 2012!


  4. Happy New Year Meg! I'm so happy that I got to know you through blogging. And I feel that you've started coming out of your shell a little bit this year... I'm sure 2012 will be a year of being much less scared of life. : )

  5. Love it!


  6. "I don't do much outside of work and the occasional Harry Potter event."

    L-O-L. This made me laugh for some reason.

    Good luck with being more outgoing. It's hard when you fall into a rut of not being outgoing, or if you've been your way that whole life. I don't do enough with others either...I had literally no free time when I was in college, so all I did was work and school. Now that I actually DO have free time, I don't have an abundance of people to share my free time WITH. Yes. Let's work on this this year! Both of us!

  7. Happy New Year! :*

    Visit my blog please)

  8. Happy new year to you! Love your recap (as a new blog reader). Looks like you had some big things going on. I hope your 2012 is even better.


  9. Happy 2012 to you too! <3 I hope you had a truly wonderful new years!

    Lost in the Haze: Fashion Blog

  10. You had a great 2011 I hope 2012 is just as if not more wonderful for you.
