Thursday, September 12, 2013

{outfit} Lucky Magazine x ESQ Movado Event

This past Tuesday I was lucky enough to be invited to an event hosted by Lucky Magazine and Movado watches to celebrate their ESQ One watch, "an eye-catching watch of unisex appeal that’s cool, colorful, fashionable and fun."  I'd say that description is about right; I can girl the watch up for myself & my guy friends could borrow it.  At the event we got to choose a watch and select from a wide array of bracelets to create an arm party.  They even had a candy bar!

I was nervous about going to the event because I didn't know anyone that would be there. Fortunately, I happened to sit near two girls and asked if they were going to the event - turns out they were!  An instant bond was formed between myself, Krista and Jackie.  Before the event we took some outfit photos (thank goodness for them or I would have none.)  Then we headed to the event where I met a bunch of other amazing bloggers including Jen and Tracy!  I was very proud of myself for talking to people at the event, normally I'm super quiet and keep to myself.
Clockwise from top: Krista, Jackie, Me, Jen

On to the outfit!  I'm wearing my new safari print Madewell tee and my freshly shortened leather skirt (thanks to my mom!)  I'm also sporing some new penny loafers gifted from Joie at the RewardStyle party which I will be posting photos from next week!  My new (well, a month old now) bag got tons of compliments at the party - gotta love Marshalls for unique on-trend pieces!

Tee: Madewell (on sale!), Skirt: Siena Style (Coco's $10 sale), Flats c/o Joie (also here), Bag: Gianni Notaro (Marshalls),  Sweater: Ami dans la Rue (Shopbop Gift Card), Sunglasses: : Ray Ban 'Emma' (Marshalls), Necklace: Geoclassics, Watch: Skagen (Rue La La) and later c/o Movado, Rings: vintage & Mom's

Thanks to Lucky and Movado for the great evening!

Outfit photos thanks to Krista & watch ad via Movado


  1. I love that skirt (and you know I'm mildly obsessed with the shoes)! And good for you for meeting new people!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. LOOOOVE this look! Your leather skirt is gorgeous and so are your new loafers!

  3. So fun! I knew you were the one with the purple bracelet before reading which arm was yours ;)

  4. Oh nice that you meet new girls there!!
    I love your bag, beautiful color :)

    See you cutie!

  5. That outfit is to die for! I love the safari touches!! You look beautiful and the watches are so sporty and cute.

  6. Ohhhh love this outfit! The skirt looks fantastic now too!
    Glad you were able to enjoy the event, be social, and make some new blogger friends!
    Chic on the Cheap

  7. That skirt is awesome! Love the wrap-around look. The animal print loafers look so comfortable and chic!

