Monday, July 28, 2014

{outfit} Fabletics

Here is my last camping outfit, and is not something you will normally see me in: workout clothes. I'm not one for going to the gym or working out, so I don't have much need for athletic wear. I don't even own sneakers! (I borrowed a friends for this outfit.) But, since I knew we would be going on some hikes during our trip, I decided to get some real workout clothes, this is when I discovered Fabletics! I saw a commercial where Kate Hudson was talking about the site and how you can get your first outfit for $25! A full outfit for $25? I'm in!  This look came with shorts, a top and a sports bra, but there are a bunch of combinations.

This shirt is AMAZING! We were hiking for quite a while (5 miles one day and a little under the second) and I knew I was getting, you know...sweaty, and you couldn't even tell with this shirt. It is so good at keeping you dry. And the shorts come with built-in underwear, but I am too self-conscious for that, so I wore other underwear too. (Never though I would say that word on this blog! Some things are meant to stay private, ha ha)

This is NOT a sponsored post, I just like the outfit!


  1. That's a really cute pair of shorts - I love this as a workout outfit!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. LOVE my Fabletics gear. I've been converted.

  3. That sounds like a magical tee shirt, and those shorts are really cute. I suppose I could see a benefit of built in underwear, haha.
    Chic on the Cheap

  4. A GOOD running shirt is totally worthy of 500 blog posts because they are so hard to find!

  5. The print on the shorts is really cute! Your handstand is excellent.

  6. Looks like you had a great camping trip! I absolutely love the shorts and am down to try the brand ($25, really??). Impressive hand stand as well ;)
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  7. I didn't even know about this new line! I'm in need of some new work out clothes too. I can't believe you don't do any kind of exercise, you look so fit!

  8. You look so great in work out clothes! I love the shorts!

    Spanish Muse
