Monday, July 13, 2015

{photo diary} Camping in Vermont

This past weekend I went on my 5th annual camping trip with my best friends in Vermont. We've been going every year since we graduated college. My family and I used to go to the same campground every year when I was younger so I decided to keep the tradition going on my own.  We always have a great time hiking, swimming in the river and going to my favorite place: The Vermont Country Store. Funnily enough, Amanda Seyfried was there TWO DAYS BEFORE ME. I was so mad, ha ha. are some photos from the trip!

(yes, the photos are only of me, but I want to keep my friend's privacy)


  1. I'm glad you had a fun camping weekend - I seriously think camping is pretty much just the greatest thing ever!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. That's a HUGE tent ! I went camping for the FIRST time just a month ago… and it was an entire lake for just 8 people so it was awesome.

  3. Love that you have such a fun tradition with your friends. And it looks like you had perfect weather there too! Mmmmm I want a s'more now...

  4. I absolutely hate camping, but I do love s'mores. ;-)

    And, girl! Look at your arm muscles!
