Monday, January 28, 2019

{closet-worthy} Sofia Zakia Jewelry

Since I've been slacking on outfit posts lately, I decided to bring back one of my old blog features - Closet Worthy - where I feature things I would love to add to my closet. Today I'm putting my tiny spotlight on Sofia Zakia. If you have read through my wedding posts, you will know that my wedding band and engagement ring are both by Sofia Zakia.  The engagement ring is a customized version of her Wandering Star ring and my band is the Altair ring that fits into it.

Sofia Ajram (Zakia is a name she created for her label) hand-makes all her jewelry in a Montreal studio. I believe she recently hired a few other people to help out but when we bought my rings it was just her. Sofia is very committed to using ethically sourced materials for all her pieces from diamonds to opals and other gemstones. Last year she won The Swarovski Award for Emerging Talent in Accessories at the Canada Arts & Fashion Awards.

What I love about her pieces is that they have a mystical element to them which makes them unique.  She uses unique sources for her inspiration such as Sailor Moon, Zelda, UFOs, Tarot and more. What's funny about this is I'm obsessed with Sailor Moon and my husband loves Zelda. I guess we were meant to find each other and then Sofia!

Below are some of her other pieces I want to add to my jewelry collection.

Serena Earrings
Most of you will know I don't change out my earrings often so for me to want a pair of earrings they have to be GOOD. As I mentioned above I'm a huge Sailor Moon fan and this earring is inspired by Serena's earrings when she transforms into Sailor Moon. They're so playful and pretty and I love that only Sailor Moon fans will realize they're a geeky reference.

Rainbow Stardust Ring
This is a band version of my engagement ring and it's so much fun! There is a plain diamond version but if I'm going to spend a lot of money on another ring by Sofia I want it to be bold! She also made a sapphire version at one point so I'm sure you could customize this to use and color(s) you want!

Those first two are pieces I will hopefully save up for in the future. Here are some more gorgeous pieces I would be happy to own as well!

* Images from and Catbird
** I was not paid for this post, I just really enjoy Sofia's work


  1. Her work is really stunning - the pieces are all so delicate and have a really ethereal quality to them that lots of jewelry doesn't have.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. oh my! that is too cute. I want it. Especially as I was a hardcore fan of Sailor Moon when I was little

  3. I am loving that rainbow rings! These are such cute and delicate pieces, she is a beautiful designer! :)

    Hope that you had a nice weekend :) I just posted my weekday wear linkup, I'd love you to join! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  4. She really does have so many gorgeous pieces! You made the right choice for your wedding rings!
    Chic on the Cheap

  5. love all of stuffs, specially the rings which is so pretty. You picked the beautiful ring for wedding, thats also my choice :)


  6. Your wedding ring is so unique- i have never seen anything like it :)
    They have some amazing pieces .

  7. These are such beautiful pieces! I love the detail!

    District of Chic
