Tuesday, January 31, 2023

{recap} Wardrobe Update - January 2023

My first wardrobe update of 2023, wild! This year I'm not planning on buying much, but I do have some cash in my clothing savings account and some ad money leftover from last year so I'm sure there will be a few things added to the closet at some point. Nothing new this month!

THE (modified) RULES

  1. Be mindful of purchases 
  2. Quality over quantity
  3. Basics are best





  1. None yet

  1. None yet



  1. None yet



  1. None yet


  1. None yet



  1. None yet


Gifted from Brands:

  • None yet

Spent in January: $0

Spent in 2023: $0

Spent in 2023 - counting ad money: $0

1 comment:

  1. Well done on your no-shop January! I ended up not buying anything in January either - I got a few fun things for Christmas I'm excited to wear, and a massive thrift haul just before Christmas, so no real push to browse the sales. Will be interesting how long I can do the no shop for - you spent so little last year, it was very inspiring, need to try do better myself!
