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Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday. Show all posts
It's official, I am getting OLD!!! Well, not really, but as each birthday passes I feel less excitement as it approaches. Gone are the days of family birthday parties and tons of presents. Now it's just, "congratulations, you are a year closer to being a full fledged adult." I definitely do not act like one though, I still love Disney, being a weirdo and all things childish. I will always be a child in spirit even if my age doesn't reflect it.  Enjoy some photos of little me:
I celebrated my birthday with my family on Monday, and here are some goodies I got:
Sex & the City DVD set, Little Rascals DVD set, Owl mug, Lauren Conrad Owl necklace and a container full of 5 pounds of Skittles!
Today is my 23rd birthday! Yay! Sadly I will be spending it at work and won't really be celebrating, but I don't really make a big deal out of my birthday anyway. I don't like being the center of attention and actually dread when my family sings Happy Birthday, ha ha. So yea, no real post today...but here's a cute picture of me when I was little, wasn't I adorable ;)
22 was a pretty darn good year, I'm not sure if anything can ever top the awesomeness...let's do a short recap in order of occurrence, shall we? [it will link to a post if there is one]
P.S. I FINALLY bought the Alexander Wang Freja Booties from The Outnet with my birthday money...It has taken me ALL weekend to hit the "Purchase" button... I just feel SO bad spending all that money on one item (they were $220 with the 20% off coupon, and my birthday money paid for them, but I still feel weird) I'd been staring at them since they were on net-a-porter and then since last month when they got to The Outnet....they better meet my expectations when they come! :p
    Well today is my Mom's birthday but yesterday we had an early celebration of mine which is on Tuesday.  We had some cake and I opened a few presents.  My sister got me a ring and necklace.
    My mom and dad gave me a couple Christmas decorations that I've had my eye on since last year (my mom actually bought one of them last year in the after Christmas sales and hid it from me, ha ha).  I'll show you those later.  My mom and I also went shopping for some clothes but sadly I found was a total bust.  I did find some cute flats at DSW though.
    I think my problem is I can't properly shop when I know someone else is going to pay for it, I just feel so bad that I make myself hate everything I see.  Oh well, I don't really mind not finding things, it saved my mom some money, ha ha. 

    In closing, look at this cute card from my parents:
    Today is two major holiday's for my family.  First, of course, is Mother's Day.  We're going to my Aunt's house for a brunch to celebrate all the lovely mommys.

    I'm not going to go into mushy stuff; 1. because I don't like being mushy and 2. you guys don't want to hear about all the stuff my mom does for me ;)  So I'll just say: Love you mom and thanks for everything!
    Second, it is my brother's 20th birthday! He is making me feel so old (as is my other brother who will be 15 in June...). So Happy Birthday Jake!!!! :D
    Image source
    Since its my 22nd Birthday (as of 8:05am, which is right now), I thought I should share some of my past outfits. As you can see, even when I was little I loved velvet ;) I also looked like a boy thanks to my mom making me get a bowl cut (in the older photos, when I am younger its cute). This only goes up until 2001 because I couldn't find the rest of the albums. :p

    The dress in the 1st photo was my moms from when she was a baby (in the 60s).  Number 3 reminds me of the Alexa Chung for Madewell dress, haha.  The top half of the last photo was one of my favorite outfits ever! I wore that top and vest EVERYWHERE, haha.

    Sorry there are so many...I tried to narrow it down, but some were too funny or cute to not show XD

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