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Showing posts with label Camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camping. Show all posts
Here is my last camping outfit, and is not something you will normally see me in: workout clothes. I'm not one for going to the gym or working out, so I don't have much need for athletic wear. I don't even own sneakers! (I borrowed a friends for this outfit.) But, since I knew we would be going on some hikes during our trip, I decided to get some real workout clothes, this is when I discovered Fabletics! I saw a commercial where Kate Hudson was talking about the site and how you can get your first outfit for $25! A full outfit for $25? I'm in!  This look came with shorts, a top and a sports bra, but there are a bunch of combinations.

This shirt is AMAZING! We were hiking for quite a while (5 miles one day and a little under the second) and I knew I was getting, you know...sweaty, and you couldn't even tell with this shirt. It is so good at keeping you dry. And the shorts come with built-in underwear, but I am too self-conscious for that, so I wore other underwear too. (Never though I would say that word on this blog! Some things are meant to stay private, ha ha)

This is NOT a sponsored post, I just like the outfit!

I went with an animal theme for my camping outfits and only brought 2 bottoms to mix and match with my tops. You have to pack light while camping, not like anyone important is going to see you, right? We had to take a trip to my favorite store, The Vermont Country Store and a cute Christmas shop across the street. And as usual, I spent too much money! But how can I resist homemade fudge and maple syrup?!

Tee: Marc by Marc Jacobs (Marshalls),  Shorts: rag & bone c/o Marshalls, Bag: Etienne Aigner (thrifted), Sunglasses: Cole Haan c/o Marshalls, Sandals: B.O.C. (Marshalls), Jeans: Target, Sweatshirt: American Eagle

Today I'm sharing some of my camping snaps. I always love leaving civilization behind for a few days to go camping. It allows you to think about things more and enjoy your friends company. Although, I will confess, we did have some phone time. But mostly to instagram s'mores and fires! Be prepared for a deluge of cute chipmunk pictures! 

This past weekend I went camping with my two best friends on our 4th annual pilgrimage to Jamaica State Park in Vermont!  Here are a few of the outfits I wore, check back for more looks tomorrow. You get to see my awkward/silly side in these photos since I can never be serious with my friends.

Animal Tee: Madewell, Shorts: rag & bone c/o Marshalls, Sunglasses: Cole Haan c/o Marshalls, Bikini: XOXO (TJ Maxx - old), BOOM Sweatshirt: 3.1 Phillip Lim x Target, Jeans: Target

Today's photos from my camping trip are a mix of everything we did. From swimming, frog hunting, pretending to be bugs, and visiting my favorite store.  Notice my new friend, Arthur, in two of the pictures. I am such a child!

Some photos from my camping trip in Vermont this weekend.  There was a lot of relaxing by the fire, hiking and playing around in the water! :)  Most of the photos are from our hike Satuarday morning, we decided to try the "Overlook Trail" this year and boy did it deliver! The view was so amazing, I could have stayed there all day. The last picture is my favorite shot from the vacation...LOVE chipmunks.  More to come tomorrow.

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