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Showing posts with label Interior Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interior Design. Show all posts
Whenever someone comes to my house they ask to see my room. Why all the curiosity? That would be because my room is approximately 9ft by 8ft. When I moved in with my cousins almost 2 years ago I went from having a small bedroom and a whole room for a closet when I lived in a small beach house with my friend.  Fitting in all my clothes and furniture was no small feat. I ended up having to put my blazers in our hallway closet for one.

But you know what, I LOVE my tiny room. It's so cozy. And after getting a lofted bed last year I am able to fit most of my stuff quite nicely with help from my shoe bookshelf, a few dressers and a shelving unit. I think after a few more adjustments the room will be perfect. A couple fun throw pillows, like these found at Parachute, would be a welcome addition for my bedding. Perhaps with a beautiful cashmere throw for those cold Winter nights.

Now that I've waxed on about my room and all the storage, here are some photos to show it off!  How does it look?

Yesterday I showed some photos of my newly organized and "designed" bedroom (see previous layout.) Today you get to enjoy some detail shots, exciting, right!? If you want to know what something is/where I got it ask in the comments! Figure that's easier than me listing everything in all the photos, who wants to read all of that?

Update: Everyone loves the plate my jewelry is on, so I'll share where it's from: MARSHALLS! (obviously.) I can't remember the brand but you'll be able to find something similar.

It's been just over a year since I last shared photos of my room [see here]. Since then things have changed a lot. I changed my bed to a loft bed so I could get more storage, so the room looks a little more cramped and less airy but there is a lot more space.  Tomorrow I'll share some detail shots since I took too many pictures.

To maximize the space in my tiny (barely 9x8ft) room I use a lot of storage units.  My bed is lofted with shelving and, rather than making the second bed that came with the set (to go underneath), I put my shoe bookshelf and cute cabinet I scored at Marshalls to get even more space.  Then I have my other large shelving unit (IKEA), small green dresser (from Home Goods) and larger dresser - it's actually a baby changing table, the top folds down, but I use it as two shelves to get more surface area.

We also took the doors off my closet and use a curtain as a separator to avoid needing to open doors, which take up a lot of room.  It's all about using every bit of floor and wall space when you have a small room.  If I had the money/wasn't lazy I would install a pocket door so I don't have to worry about swing room for the door.

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