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Showing posts with label Witchery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Witchery. Show all posts
I was finally able to wear the Witchery sweater I bought from Jamie-Lee back in July! It's so perfectly over-sized and comfy! Wearing it with these jeans probably wasn't the best idea for proportions, but I was in a 70s pants mood. Next time I'll wear it with super skinny jeans or a fun skirt! So many outfit ideas swimming around in my head.  And yes, I was a geek and did a play on The Eagle's Witchy Woman for the title, told you they were one my favorite bands!

Sweater: Witchery (Jamie-Lee's Blog Shop), Jeans: Free People (Marshalls), Wedges: R2 (DSW), Bag: Wink and Winn (giveaway), Necklace: House of Harlow c/o South Moon Under, Watch c/o Movado

I added a couple new basics to my close this month, a new pair of sandals as well as a new sweater for the Winter (not sure I should have included it in here, but I bought it so I am.) You will also notice that one of my five items from the previous posts is missing. I decided to sell it because I don't think I will get much use out of it. Lesson learned. No more impulse thrifting buys.

I also bought a few things during Roundabout Resale's Summer Clearance. All the items were brand new with tags, how awesome is that?! A Burberry London dress, which is part of my 5 and a pink cashmere sweater that I'm putting under basics.  I also bought some crazy Tabitha Simmons boots that should technically be part of my 5, but they're Winter so I'm not counting them. They are in the photos anyway. [Oddly enough, I posted them back in 2011, how funny is that?!]

  1. Just five standout pieces per season.
  2. Quality over quantity.
  3. Basics don’t count.
  4. Accessories don’t count, unless you’re spending a lot more than usual.
  5. Socks and underwear don’t count.
  6. Shoes do count.

Part of my Five:
Exempt:  Not counting any items I got from brands or bought for Marshalls Project FAB (bought with a gift card)
Winter Items: I'm still trying to limit these types of purchases, but I can't resist a good deal!

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