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Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Since I don't go out (trick-or-treating or partying,) it is not one of my favorite holidays to celebrate, but I LOVE the time leading up to Halloween. All through October I watch my favorite Halloween themed movies over and over and over. Who doesn't love Casper, Hocus Pocus, Teen Witch, Halloweentown and all the other fun movies we watched as kids? (I don't do scary movies)

Reusing some photos from last year to celebrate. (I STILL haven't actually worn this at a Halloween party, I don't get invited to parties, haha...I did wear it to the office last year, without the hat.) So, here I am as Willy Wonka!

Dress: ASOS, Jacket: Gap (Coco's), Bow: Made by Mom, Hat: eBay, Booties: no.704b. (DSW)

I took over 100 pictures at the pumpkin patch this past weekend, so narrowing it down to under 15 is a huge feat! I go a bit camera crazy, so when I print my pictures I have hundreds to print from one event, where normal people would have 50 or so. Whatever, I realize I have a problem, but things could be worse. I could be addicted to something that could kill me.  Enough rambling, enjoy the photos and see the outfit post here!

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year (along with the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas,) so it should come as no surprise to you that one of my favorite traditions is going to the pumpkin patch! My family has been going to the same one since I was a youngin', Jones Family Farms (it is also where we get our Christmas Tree every year.) This year I just went with my sister and her boyfriend, but there's plenty of time to go again, so maybe the whole family will go one weekend.

It was super chilly and windy when we went, but was still a lot of fun! We went early in the morning to avoid the crowds but by the time we left the place was PACKED. It is insanity! I went a little light this year and just bought 2 small gourds and a bundle of Indian corn, only $6 for all of it. I'm sharing my outfit today and will share some general snaps tomorrow!

[Yes, the title is a reference to Winnie the Pooh]

Tee: Made by Me (inspired by Burberry), Blazer: Marc Jacobs (eBay), Jeans: Free People, Boots: Eighteen68 (Gilt), Bag: Etienne Aigner (thrifted)


Here's my Halloween 'costume!' Can you guess who I am? one?  WILLY WONKA! Willy Wonka is one of my all time favorite movies and over the Summer I realized I had all the pieces to create a girl version.  I always call this purple blazer my Willy Wonka jacket and this ASOS dress from a few years ago has a print just like on his shirt.  Meant to be, right?!  All I had to do was buy some ribbon so my mom could make me a big bow.  I decided to forgo the cane, but I did pick up a hat on eBay.

I'm not actually going anywhere but I thought it was fun and I'm wearing the outfit to work today. Minus the hat and bow, though I will bring them in my tote bag in case I feel like putting them on.

Dress: ASOS, Jacket: Gap (Coco's), Bow: Made by Mom, Hat: eBay, Booties: no.704b. (DSW)

And here's the inspiration:
Last year I did a series of outfits inspired by Halloween films, today I'm re-sharing a bunch because I enjoyed them so much. The dress featured in the last post is still available at The Outnet (when I first did the post it was at Net-a-Porter!)

Original Post: {outfits inspired by films} Christina Ricci as Kat

Original Post: {outfits inspired by films} Vinessa Shaw as Allison in Hocus Pocus

Original Post: {outfits inspired by films} Robyn Lively as Louise in Teen Witch

Original Post: Dream Outfit: Inspired by Fran from The Ugly Dachshund
Let's talk Halloween movies, here are my favorites!  I've been watching them since the end of September, gotta get in all my viewing before Halloween is over. Well, the Halloween focused ones, some of these aren't exactly Halloween themed, but they bring the spirit. I will probably have watched each of these at least three times this month and countless times in my movie watching history.   What movies are on your list?

1. Casper: Do I need to explain? Casper shows that kids movies back in the day are way better than junk they make now.

2. Hocus Pocus: I could watch this all day every day.  Perfection. (although I could watch most of these movies a million times and never get bored, but that shouldn't take away from it's awesomeness!)

3. Beetlejuice: Ghosts, a goth Winona Ryder, what else do you need?

4. Teen Witch: An 80s classic (starring Blake Lively's older step sister), I wanted to be Louise when i was younger and would get so excited whenever this came on TV. Luckily I own it now so I don't have to worry about that.

5. Halloweentown Series (except the third...I don't like that one): They are based on Halloween and a girl who finds out she's a witch, so obviously you need to watch them.

6. Harry Potter Series: no explanation needed.

7. Clue: This is a hilarious movie based on the board game.  Trust me, you'll thank me later.

8. The Black Cauldron: One of the scariest Disney movies I've seen.  The Horned King would give anyone nightmares! I love old Disney, especially the ones hardly no one knows about, like this gem.

9. The Last Unicorn: This was one of my favorite movies when I was little and remains so today.  There are so many amusing things I never noticed when I was younger; you'll see what I mean when you watch.

10. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: It's about candy, so obviously you have to watch it on Halloween! Not the creepy Johnny Depp version though....

Bonus: Have a Merlin marathon! Love this show so much. If you're a fan of the King Arthur legend you'll love this show, it just finished a 5 series run and shows Merlin and Arthur as young boys.

UPDATE: Lydia pointed out that I forgot Practical Magic...oops! Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman as witches, with some scariness thrown in. This movie is about as scary as I go (there's one scene that totally freaks me out still)

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